Program Description:

The Canadian workforce continues to become increasingly diverse, with people working longer before retirement, the hiring of younger managers, each with their own distinct style of obtaining and communicating information.

Baby boomers, Generation X'ers and Generation Y'ers have different views about everything from where they prefer to get their information and the amount of information they want, to the characteristics of the people they most trust and listen to.

These viewpoints have been shaped by the changes in technology, culture, education, and overall standards of living over the course of time. Many of us identify with our own generation group but find the viewpoints and preferences of other generations to be challenging and often confusing to grasp. This course provides an opportunity to consider the research on various generation groups and to better understand what motivates them in the workplace.

By understanding the different generations, you will be in a better position to get your message across to team members of all ages and to understand their messages to you.

Learning Outcomes:

Understand perspectives of the multiple generations in your workforce, and become equipped with tools to communicate to your diverse team.

Topics Include:
  • The research on the different generations at work today
  • A model for speaking to the different generations
  • How to plan for communications with people from different generation groups using communication planning tools

Who will benefit:

This seminar will be valuable to those who want to gain a better understanding of a changing workforce and leverage this knowledge to communicate better to those in your workplace.

© 2012 Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario