Today’s workplace can provide almost routine exposure to chronic stress for some individuals. Work related stress has many causes which may include the demands of the job, the ability or inability to have control over decision-making, and the degree of social support within the workplace. These stresses can provoke anxiety and/or depression, as well as stress-related coping strategies, which can lead to unhappiness at work, absenteeism, reduced productivity and shortened careers.
Coping strategies can include healthy habits like exercise, meditation, socializing and travel, as well as unhealthy habits like smoking, drinking, overeating and drug use, all of which are common practice and may lead to substance abuse and addiction. There is solid evidence linking chronic stress and the abuse of addictive substances.
Join Women’s College Hospital’s, NAME, as he/she/they provide an overview of what constitutes an addiction, how to assess whether you are at risk and what services are available to support treatment and recovery. Also hear from Lorenzo Lisi, head of the Aird & Berlis Workplace Law Group, for an overview of an employer's approach to dealing with and managing workplace stress, recognizing substance abuse and addiction and the accommodation of employees suffering from workplace stress and mental health issues.
Topics include:


Dr. Jennifer Wyman
Addictions Specialist, Women's College Hospital

Lorenzo Lisi
Partner, Aird & Berlis LLP

Andrea Skinner
Partner, Aird & Berlis LLP

CPD for Lawyers: 1.5 Professionalism Hours
CPD for HRPA and CHRP Members: 1.5 Hours

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